Peugeot 205Service and Repair ManualModels coveredAll Peugeot 205 models with petrol engines (inc. GTi, Cabriolet, Automatic & special/limited edi
0•10 Weekly checksThere are some very simple checks whichneed only take a few minutes to carry out, butwhich could save you a lot of inconvenienceand
1 General information andprecautionsThe cooling system is of pressurised typeincorporating an expansion bottle or expansiontank according to model. Th
coolant mixtures are likely to cause damage,and encourage the formation of corrosion andscale in the system.3 Before adding antifreeze, check all hose
5 Disconnect the top mountings, asapplicable, then lift the radiator, complete withcooling fan, from the car - taking care not todamage the matrix (se
8 Coolant pump - removal andrefitting3Note: Refer to the warnings given in Section 1of this Chapter before proceeding.XV, XW, and XY series enginesRem
10 If the coolant pump is worn, noisy or leakscoolant it must be renewed, as repair is notpossible.Refitting11 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bea
5 Unscrew the heater assembly mountingnuts and withdraw it from the car.Dismantling6 To remove the matrix, disconnect the pipeclip and unscrew the mou
2 The refrigeration side of the air conditioningsystem functions in a similar way to adomestic refrigerator. A compressor, belt-driven from the cranks
4AChapter 4 Part A:Fuel system - carburettor enginesGeneralSystem type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Carburettor data (continued)Calibrations and settings: XY8 XY8 XU51CSolex WeberVenturi diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 General information andprecautionsGeneral informationThe fuel system consists of a fuel tankmounted under the rear of the car, amechanical fuel pump
Weekly checks 0•11Engine oil levelBefore you start4 Make sure that your car is on level ground.4 Check the oil level before the car is driven,or at l
7 Release the spring clips, and lift theelement and ducting from the air cleaner body(see illustrations).8 Disconnect the fuel pump inlet hose, andrel
9 Remove the upper body.10 Drive out the operating arm pivot pin,withdraw the arm and lift out the diaphragm.11 Obtain a repair kit which will contain
9 Carburettor - removal andrefitting2Note: Observe the precautions in Section 1before working on any component in the fuelsystem.Removal1 Remove the a
Solex 32 and 34 PBISAadjustmentsIdle speed and mixture16 Refer to Chapter 1.Fast idle setting17 To adjust this accurately it will benecessary to measu
4A•8 Fuel system - carburettor engines10.39 Checking the choke opening setting on the Weber 35 IBSH carburettor2 Adjustment screw on vacuum capsule10
Choke opening setting38 This adjustment can be made with thecarburettor removed using a vacuum pump,or with the carburettor fitted and the enginerunni
Throttle damper53 Refer to the procedures contained inparagraphs 29 and 30 Additional adjustments54 At the time of writing, not furtherinformation was
4BChapter 4 Part B:Fuel system - single-point fuel injection enginesGeneralSystem type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Air cleaner assembly -removal and refitting1Refer to the procedures in Chapter 4A,Section 2, substituting “throttle body” for allreferences to the c
8 Unleaded petrol - generalinformation and usageNote: The information given in this Chapter iscorrect at the time of writing. If updatedinformation is
0•12 Weekly checksBrake fluid levelWarning:l Brake fluid can harm youreyes and damage paintedsurfaces, so use extremecaution when handling andpouri
c) Before refitting the injector securingscrew, apply a few drops of a suitablethread-locking compound to the threads.d) On completion, switch on the
19 Do not attempt to adjust the throttleswitch setting or that of the stop screw on thethrottle valve external linkage; if the accuratelymatched relat
12 MMFD Mono-point G5 andG6 system components -removal and refitting3Note: Check the availability of individualcomponents with your Peugeot dealer bef
Inlet air temperature sensor22 The sensor is screwed into the top of theinlet manifold.23 Disconnect the battery negative lead.24 Release the securing
4CChapter 4 Part C:Fuel system - multi-point fuel injection enginesGeneralSystem type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Note: Residual pressure will remain in thefuel lines long after the vehicle was last used.When disconnecting any fuel line, firstdepressurise the fuel
Bosch Motronic M1.3 systemThe Bosch Motronic fuel injection system isdesigned to meet stringent emission controllegislation whilst still providing exc
23 Check the full throttle operation byconnecting an ohmmeter between terminals18 and 3, then fully opening the throttle sothat dimension X is 4.0 mm
Coolant temperature sensor31 Refer to Chapter 3, Section 7.Electronic control unit (ECU)32 Refer to Part B, Section 11.Fuel injection system fuses and
Weekly checks 0•13Screenwash additives not only keep thewinscreen clean during foul weather, they alsoprevent the washer system freezing in coldweath
4DChapter 4 Part D:Exhaust and emission control systemsAir inlet heating system components - removal and refitting . . . . . . 4Catalytic converter
Crankcase ventilation system7 This system is fitted to all models, andprevents the gases produced in the crankcasefrom being released into the atmosph
Fuel vapour recirculation system14 This system has been introducedprogressively on all fuel injection models, andprevents fuel vapour from the fuel ta
2 In many cases it will be found easier toremove the complete system from the car andthen to renew individual sections on the bench.3 To remove the co
4 Air inlet heating systemcomponents - removal andrefitting2Note: The components of the system varyslightly according to engine type. Thefollowing pro
3 Unscrew the clamp bolt, and lift thecanister from its clamp on the body panel.Refitting4 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but ensurethat the hose
5AChapter 5 Part A:Starting and charging systemsSystem type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Never use an ohmmeter of the typeincorporating a hand-cranked generator forcircuit or continuity testing.Always ensure that the battery negativelead i
3 If the alternator output is suspect eventhough the warning light functions correctly,the regulated voltage may be checked asfollows.4 Connect a volt
0•14 Weekly checksTyre condition and pressureIt is very important that tyres are in goodcondition, and at the correct pressure - havinga tyre failure
Refitting8 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but firstinsert all mounting bolts finger tight, thentighten the flywheel end bolts followed by thebrus
5BChapter 5 Part B:Ignition systemSystem typeAll engines except XU5M2/Z, XU5M3/Z, XU5M3/L and TU1M/L . . . . . . Electronic breakerless ignition syst
1 General informationElectronic breakerless ignitionsystemA number of different breakerless ignitionsystems are used on 205 models according toengine
plugs. Use a timing light (paragraph 4 above)to check whether HT voltage is present at allleads.13 If HT voltage is not present on anyparticular lead,
9 Unscrew the mounting nuts, remove thesmall plates, and withdraw the distributor (seeillustrations).10 Check the condition of the O-ring on themounti
4 Depress the retaining clip and disconnectthe wiring connector from the module.5 Make a note of the correct fitted positionsof the HT leads then disc
10 To check the vacuum advance unit, runthe engine at a fast idle speed and reconnectthe vacuum pipe. The flywheel mark shouldagain advance.11 Stop th
28 Connect the timing light to No 1 cylinderspark plug lead (No 1 cylinder is at thetransmission end of the engine) as describedin the timing light ma
9Chapter 9Braking systemSystem type:Footbrake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual-circui
Weekly checks 0•15Bulbs and fuses4 Check all external lights and the horn.Refer to the appropriate Sections of Chap-ter 12 for details if any of the
Torque wrench settings Nm lbf ftGirling front caliper mounting bolts:All models except 1.9 GTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bleeding - basic (two-man)method13 Collect a clean glass jar of reasonable sizeand a suitable length of plastic or rubbertubing, which is a tight fit
3 Hydraulic pipes and hoses -renewal2Note: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 2concerning the dangers of hydraulic
9 With the caliper pushed inwards, insert theinner pad then push the caliper outwards andinsert the outer pad. If offset pads are fitted, itis importa
18 Disconnect the wire for the pad wearwarning light.19 Hold the lower guide stationary with onespanner, then unscrew the bolt (seeillustration).20 Sw
7 Expand the shoes over the wheel cylinderthen release them from the bottom anchor.8 Unhook the lever return spring and thehandbrake cable.9 If necess
contact the brake pads or disc. Also referto the warning at the start of Section 2concerning the dangers of hydraulic fluid.1 Chock the front wheels t
9 Prise the seal from inside the cylinder,taking care not to damage the cylinder wall.10 If required, dismantle the sliding guides.On the Bendix type
8 Rear brake caliper (1.9 GTImodels) - removal, overhauland refitting3Note: Before starting work, refer to thewarning at the beginning of Section 2co
Overhaul9 Pull off the dust excluders (seeillustration).10 Extract the pistons, seals and returnspring; keeping each component identified forlocation.
0•16 Lubricants, fluids and tyre pressuresLubricants and fluidsEngine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multigrade engine oil, viscosity S
Inspection4 Brush the dust and dirt from the brake drumand carefully inspect the drum interior.5 If the drum is grooved, owing to failure torenew worn
Refitting6 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but notethat the nose of the unit must face forwardsand be inclined upwards at an angle of 22° tothe ho
15 Handbrake - adjustment2All models except 1.9 GTI1 The handbrake is normally kept adjusted bythe action of the automatic adjusters on therear brake
2 Remove the clevis pin and disconnect thepushrod from the brake pedal. Note that onmodels with a vacuum servo unit the pushrodis on the lower hole, w
10Chapter 10Suspension and steeringFront suspensionType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Torque wrench settings Nm lbf ftFront suspensionDriveshaft/hub nut:Non-GTI models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 If the hub nut has yet to be loosened,fabricate a tool from two lengths of steel strip(one long, one short) and a nut and bolt; thenut and bolt form
the front suspension tower and engaged withfurther holes in the bottom coil spring seat. Ifavailable use these, otherwise fit universal coilspring com
2 On non-GTI models, unscrew the nutsecuring the anti-roll bar to the suspensionarm and remove the washer (see illustration).3 Unscrew the clamp bolt
1Chapter 1Routine maintenance and servicingAir cleaner filter element renewal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Air conditioni
7 The guide bar length must be adjusted tothe dimension shown when refitting (seeillustration). Note that a full-circle clamp isfitted to early models
mounting in a vice and attempting to extendand retract it. If the resistance is not firm andeven in both directions, or if there are signs ofleakage o
7 If necessary, the intermediate shaft can beremoved after prising out the grommet andunscrewing the bottom clamp bolt (seeillustration).8 To remove t
engagement rods, and support them in anupright position out of the way, using wire orstring.14 Remove the two steering gear securingbolts, and recover
3 With the engine stopped, slowly move thesteering from lock-to-lock several times topurge out the trapped air, then top-up thelevel in the fluid rese
21 Wheel alignment andsteering angles - generalinformation1 A car’s steering and suspension geometryis defined in four basic settings - all angles are
11Chapter 11Bodywork and fittingsBodywork, paint and exterior trim check . . . . . . . . . . . .See Chapter 1Bonnet - removal and refitting . . . . .
not available, there are one or two excellentgrease solvents available which can be brushapplied; the dirt can then be simply hosed off.Note that thes
Aluminium tape should be used for small orvery narrow holes. Pull a piece off the roll andtrim it to the approximate size and shaperequired, then pull
1•2 Servicing SpecificationsLubricants and fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refer to end of “Weekly checks”C
4 While an assistant supports the bonnet,unscrew the nut and remove the bottom of thestay from the right-hand suspension tower. 5 Place some cloth ben
Bodywork and fittings 11•5119.2 Front bumper components1 Side mounting (non-GTI)2 Side mounting (GTI)3 Side bracket (non-GTI)4 Bracket5 Side bracket
11 Door trim panel - removaland refitting3RemovalFront doors1 If electric windows are fitted, disconnectthe battery negative lead.2 Remove the two scr
Exterior mirror (early models)6 To remove the early type mirror, prise offthe inner cover and use an Allen key toremove the mounting screws (seeillust
14 Hood and rear window(Cabriolet models) - removaland refitting4Removal1 Open the hood to the point where it is inbalance.2 Working inside the vehicl
15 Power-operated hoodcomponents (Cabrioletmodels) - general informationWhenever any work is carried out whichinvolves disconnecting the hood hydrauli
7 Unscrew the five bolts securing theregulator mechanism.8 Remove the casing from the hood hinge.9 Remove the pad from the quarter glasslower channel.
24 Sunroof glass - removal andrefitting3Removal1 Working inside the car, remove the roofconsole. Then remove the screws from thesunroof handle and lat
13 With the bonnet open, remove the plasticgrille and unscrew the front facia mountingnuts (see illustration).14 Withdraw the facia panel at the same
32 Prise the small tray from the centreconsole (see illustration).33 Remove the screws, and slide thesurround up the gear lever (see illustration).34
Maintenance schedule 1•31Every 250 miles (400 km) or weeklymm Refer to “Weekly checks”.Every 36 000 miles (58 000 km) or 3 years - whichever comes so
12Chapter 12Body electrical systemGeneralSystem type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-v
Fuses (1986 to 1988 GTI and CTI models)No Circuit protected Rating (amp)1 Reversing lights, tachometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fuses (1989 to 1991 - all models)No Circuit protected Rating (amp)1 Reversing lights, tachometer, fuel gauge, warning lights (lowbattery charge, coola
12•4 Body electrical system1 General information andprecautionsGeneral informationThe electrical system is of 12-volt negativeearth type. Power for th
22 If an earth connection is thought to befaulty, dismantle the connection, and cleanboth the bodyshell and the wire terminal (orthe component earth c
Facia switches (1988 modelsonward)10 Disconnect the battery negative lead.11 Open the ashtray.12 Unclip the bottom of the clock surround(where fitted)
36 Unscrew the locknut nearest the pedal,and withdraw the switch from the bracket.37 Refitting is a reversal of removal, butadjust the locknuts so tha
12•8 Body electrical system5.7a Exploded diagram of non-GTI instrument panel5.7b Exploded diagram of GTI instrument panel
13 Remove the screws and withdraw thecentre vents.14 Using a screwdriver through the steeringcolumn lower shroud, unscrew the visorlocating studs.15 R
LIVING WITH YOUR PEUGEOT 205Introduction Page 0•4Safety First! Page 0•5ROADSIDE REPAIRSIntroduction Page 0•6If your car won’t start Page 0•6Jump start
1•4 Maintenance - component locationUnderbonnet view of a 1360 cc GT model (XY8 series engine)1 Right-hand front engine mounting2 Jack3 Drivebelt4 O
7 Release the spring clips and withdraw thebulb (see illustrations). 8 Fit the new bulb with the locating tabuppermost.Front parking lights 9 Pull the
21 Depress and twist the bulb to remove it(see illustration). Number plate light 22 Twist off the lens (see illustration). 23 Depress and twist the bu
Heater control panel illuminationbulbs (pre-1988 models) 12 Remove the facia centre air vents, withreference to Chapter 11. 13 Pull the bulbholder fro
When the ignition is switched on with thesidelights also switched on, the relay isenergised, closing the internal contacts andsupplying current to the
the wheel arch. The reservoir supplies boththe windscreen and tailgate jets. On somemodels a headlight washer system is installedwith the reservoir in
Wiring diagrams 12•1512Key to wiring diagrams
12•16 Wiring diagramsKey to wiring diagrams (continued)
Wiring diagrams 12•1712Diagram1: Typical starting, charging, ignition, cooling fan, warning lamps and gauges (XV8, XW7, XY8 and XU51C engine models)
12•18 Wiring diagramsDiagram1a: Typical starting, charging, ignition, cooling fan, warning lamps and gauges (TU1, TU3 and TU9 engine models)
Wiring diagrams 12•1912Diagram1b: Typical engine management, warning lamps and gauges (XU5J/JA and XU9JA engine models)
Maintenance - component location 1•51Underbonnet view of a 1360 cc XS model (TU series engine)1 Brake fluid reservoir filler cap2 Brake master cylind
12•20 Wiring diagramsDiagram 2: Typical exterior lighting - reversing lamps, foglamps, sidelamps and headlamps
Wiring diagrams 12•2112Diagram 2a: Typical exterior lighting - direction indicators and stop-lamps; typical interior lighting and associated circuit
12•22 Wiring diagramsDiagram 3: Typical ancillary circuits - wash/wipe, horn, heater blower and heated rear window
Wiring diagrams 12•2312Diagram 3a: Typical ancillary circuits - electric windows, central locking and radio/cassette
12•24 Wiring diagramsSupplementary diagram A: Typical engine management (TU3M/Z and TU3FM/L engine models)
Wiring diagrams 12•2512Supplementary diagram B: Typical engine management (TU1M/L and XU5M3/Z/L engine models)
12•26 Wiring diagramsSupplementary diagram C: Typical engine management (XU9J1/Z/L engine models)
Wiring diagrams 12•2712Supplementary diagram D: Typical engine management (XU9JA/L engine models)
REFDimensions and weightsNote: All figures are approximate, and may vary according to model. Refer to manufacturer’s data for exact figures.Dimensions
REF•2 Conversion factorsLength (distance)Inches (in) x 25.4 = Millimetres (mm) x 0.0394 = Inches (in)Feet (ft) x 0.305 = Metres (m) x 3.281 = Feet (ft
1•6 Maintenance - component locationFront underside view of a 1360 cc GT model1 Bottom hose2 Reverse lamp switch3 Engine/transmission oil drain plug4
Buying spare partsSpare parts are available from manysources, including maker’s appointedgarages, accessory shops, and motor factors.To be sure of obt
REF•4 General repair proceduresWhenever servicing, repair or overhaul workis carried out on the car or its components,observe the following procedures
The jack supplied with the vehicle tool kitshould only be used for changing theroadwheels - see “Wheel changing” at thefront of this manual. When carr
REF•6 Tools and working facilitiesIntroductionA selection of good tools is a fundamentalrequirement for anyone contemplating themaintenance and repair
Tools and working facilities REF•7REFSpecial toolsThe tools in this list are those which are notused regularly, are expensive to buy, or whichneed to
REF•8 MOT test checksThis is a guide to getting your vehicle through the MOT test.Obviously it will not be possible to examine the vehicle to the same
MOT test checks REF•9REFSeat belts and seats Note: The following checks are applicable toall seat belts, front and rear.M Examine the webbing of all t
REF•10 MOT test checksExhaust systemM Start the engine. With your assistant holding a rag over the tailpipe, check theentire system for leaks. Repair
MOT test checks REF•11REFM Examine the handbrake mechanism,checking for frayed or broken cables,excessive corrosion, or wear or insecurity ofthe linka
The vehicle owner who does his or her ownmaintenance according to the recommendedservice schedules should not have to use thissection of the manual ve
Maintenance - component location 1•71Rear underside view of a 1360 cc GT model1 Exhaust front pipe2 Handbrake cables3 Heatshield4 Rear suspension cro
failure of components such as fuses or sparkplugs may only be pointers to someunderlying fault.The pages which follow provide an easy-reference guide
REF•14 Fault findingEngine (continued)Engine misfires throughout the driving speedrangemm Fuel filter choked - fuel-injected models (Chapter 1).mm Fue
Fault finding REF•15REF2 Cooling system3 Fuel and exhaust systemsOverheatingmm Insufficient coolant in system (“Weekly checks” ).mm Thermostat faulty
REF•16 Fault finding7 DriveshaftsClicking or knocking noise on turns (at slow speedon full-lock)mm Lack of constant velocity joint lubricant, possibly
Fault finding REF•17REF9 Suspension and steeringNote: Before diagnosing suspension or steering faults, be sure that thetrouble is not due to incorrect
REF•18 Fault finding10 Electrical systemNote: For problems associated with the starting system, refer to thefaults listed under “Engine” earlier in th
Windscreen/tailgate wipers inoperative, orunsatisfactory in operationWipers fail to operate, or operate very slowlymm Wiper blades stuck to screen, or
REF•20 Glossary of technical termsAABS (Anti-lock brake system) A system,usually electronically controlled, that sensesincipient wheel lockup during b
Glossary of technical terms REF•21REFCamshaft A rotating shaft on which a seriesof cam lobes operate the valve mechanisms.The camshaft may be driven b
REF•22 Glossary of technical termsEEGR valve A valve used to introduce exhaustgases into the intake air stream.Electronic control unit (ECU) A compute
1 IntroductionThis Chapter is designed to help the homemechanic maintain his/her vehicle for safety,economy, long life and peak performance.This Chapt
Glossary of technical terms REF•23REFJJump start Starting the engine of a vehiclewith a discharged or weak battery byattaching jump leads from the wea
REF•24 Glossary of technical termsautomatic transmission, a switch thatprevents starting if the vehicle is not in Neutralor Park.Strut See MacPherson
Index REF•25REFNote: References throughout this index are in the form - “Chapter number” • “page number”AAccelerator cable - 1•11, 4A•4, 4B•2, 4C•2Ac
DDents - 11•2Dim-dip lighting system - 12•12Dimensions and weights - REF•1Distributor - 5B•3Door - 11•5, 11•6, 11•7Door trim panel - 11•6Drivebelt - 1
GGearbox oil (manual) - 0•16, 1•13, 7A•2Gearbox oil (automatic) - 0•16, 1•9, 1•14Gearchange linkage manual transmission - 7A•4Glass - 11•9Glossary of
RRadiator - 3•3Radiator cooling fan - 3•4Radio - 12•14Radio/cassette anti-theft system - REF•5Relays - 12•5Repair procedures - REF•4Respraying paintwo
Left blank formanual listingpages
REFLeft blank formanual listingpages
Almost every car you’ve ever loved, loathed or desired is gathered under one roof at the Haynes MotorMuseum. Over 300 immaculately presented cars and
4 Allow the oil to drain into the container, andcheck the condition of the plug’s sealingwasher; renew it if worn or damaged.5 Allow some time for the
6 Underbonnet check for fluidleaks and hose condition1Warning: Renewal of any airconditioning hoses (wherefitted) must be left to a dealerservice depa
Keep the socket aligned with the spark plug -if it is forcibly moved to one side, the ceramicinsulator may be broken off. As each plug isremoved, exam
by moving the alternator by hand, ortightening the adjuster bolt.11 Tension the drivebelt as described in thefollowing paragraphs.Tensioning12 If not
2 Check the pipes and connections forevidence of leaks, severe corrosion, ordamage. Make sure that all brackets andrubber mountings are in good condit
REPAIRS & OVERHAULEngine and Associated SystemsXV, XW and XY engines in-car repair procedures Page 2A•1XU series engine in-car repair procedures P
4 The oil level should reach the lower edge ofthe filler/level hole. A certain amount of oil willhave gathered behind the filler/level plug, andwill t
the inner joint and attempting to rotate thedriveshaft. Any appreciable movementindicates wear in the joints, wear in thedriveshaft splines, or a loos
of air cleaner, the end (or top) cover isretained by a number of spring clips.6 Extract the element (see illustration).7 Discard the element and wipe
Carburettor modelsIdle speed adjustment - singlecarburettor engines3 Ensure that all electrical loads are switchedoff and, where applicable, the choke
10 With the engine idling, turn the idle speedscrew on the interconnecting linkage asnecessary until the engine speed is 1000 rpm.11 Note the reading
Peugeot dealer, for diagnosis. On all single-point fuel injection models, the idle speed andmixture CO content is controlled by theengine management E
9 Check that the clutch action is smooth andprogressive, that the drive is taken upsmoothly, and that the pedal travel is notexcessive. Also listen fo
7 Remove the drain plug, and allow thecoolant to drain into the container.8 If the coolant has been drained for a reasonother than renewal, then provi
Slacken and retighten the bleed screws toallow any air that has risen to escape. Note:Take great care not to scald yourself with thehot coolant during
2AChapter 2 Part A:XV, XW and XY engines in-car repair proceduresEngine generalCode and displacement:XV8 (108C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Peugeot 205 was introduced in the UK in September 1983 as afive-door Hatchback with a transversely-mounted engine and trans-mission assembly drivi
Torque wrench settings Nm lbf ftEngine mounting nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 25Oil pump screw
bi-metal rockers consisting of an aluminiumarm and steel pad, have different valveclearances than earlier engines. Ensure thatthe correct figures are
9 Remove the crankshaft oil pump drivegearand its Woodruff key.10 Unbolt the oil pump. Somesocket-headed screws are accessible throughthe holes in the
24 Using a very thin screwdriver blade, turnthe lock on the chain tensioner fully clockwiseto release the slipper (see illustration).25 Check that the
4 To dismantle the rocker arm assembly,carefully prise off the circlip from the end ofthe rocker shaft; retain the rocker pedestal, toprevent it being
sprocket, or fabricate a suitable alternative. If itwill not be necessary to rotate the crankshaft,the home-made tool described in the text willsuffic
26 Remove the head bolts and lift off therocker shaft assembly (see illustration). Itmay be necessary to leave one or two bolts inthe assembly if they
plastic or wood scraper to remove all traces ofgasket and carbon; also clean the pistoncrowns. Refer to paragraph 32 before turningthe crankshaft. Tak
6 Note the fitted depth of the seal as a guideto refitting the new seal, then punch or drilltwo small holes opposite each other in theseal. Screw a se
2BChapter 2 Part B:XU series engine in-car repair proceduresEngine generalCode and displacement:XU5J (180A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety first! 0•5Working on your car can be dangerous.This page shows just some of the potentialrisks and hazards, with the aim of creating asafety-c
Torque wrench settings Nm lbf ftCamshaft cover bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7Camshaft beari
2 Valve clearances - checkingand adjustment3Note: The valve clearances must be checkedand adjusted only when the engine is cold.1 The importance of ha
3 Compression test -description and interpretationRefer to Part A, Section 3 but on engineswith a static distributorless ignition system,disable the i
13 Slacken the two nuts on the front of thetiming belt tensioner and the single nut at therear. Use a spanner on the square end of thetensioner cam sp
is available, it should be refitted to thetensioned run of the belt. The reading shouldnow be between 42 and 46 units.37 If the tension is not as spec
7 Camshaft and followers -removal, inspection andrefitting4Removal1 Remove the camshaft sprocket asdescribed in Section 5. Remove the rear coverplate
21 Fit a new camshaft oil seal, using theinformation given in Section 6, then refit thesprocket rear cover plate. Align the coverplate using a 10 mm d
21 If warpage of the cylinder head gasketsurface is suspected, use a straight-edge tocheck it for distortion. Refer to Part D of thisChapter if necess
39 Check the valve clearances and adjust, ifnecessary (see Section 2).40 Refit the remaining components in thereverse order of removal and with refere
Unbolt the oil seal carrier from the cylinderblock. The sprocket, spacer (where fitted) andchain can then be slid off the end of thecrankshaft.5 Slack
0•6 Roadside repairsThe following pages are intended to help in dealing withcommon roadside emergencies and breakdowns. You will findmore detailed fau
Refitting15 Refitting is a reversal of removal, buttighten the union nuts carefully to thespecified torque while holding the connectionstubs stationar
2CChapter 2 Part C:TU series engine in-car repair proceduresEngine generalCode and displacement:TU9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Torque wrench settings Nm lbf ftCamshaft sprocket retaining bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 59Camshaft thrust for
2 Compression test -description and interpretationRefer to Part A, Section 3 but on engineswith a static distributorless ignition system,disable the i
Examine the seal for signs of damage anddeterioration, and if necessary, renew it.6 Remove the spacer from each stud, and liftoff the oil baffle plate
Centre cover2 Remove the upper cover as described inparagraph 1, then free the wiring from itsretaining clips on the centre cover.3 Slacken and remove
pulley rotates freely, without any sign ofroughness. If necessary, renew the tensionerpulley as described in Section 8. Make surethat the locking tool
Removal1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.2 Position the engine assembly/valve timingholes as described in Section 3, and lock boththe camshaft sp
21 Loosen the tensioner pulley retaining nut.Rotate the pulley anti-clockwise to remove allfree play from the timing belt, then retightenthe nut.22 Te
which contact the camshaft lobes for wearridges and scoring. Renew any rocker arms onwhich these conditions are apparent. If arocker arm bearing surfa
Roadside repairs 0•7When jump-starting a car using abooster battery, observe the followingprecautions:4 Before connecting the boosterbattery, make su
12 Disengage the timing belt from thecamshaft sprocket, and position the belt clearof the sprocket. Ensure that the belt is notbent or twisted sharply
which is fitted at the factory, and a slightlythicker “repair” gasket (+ 0.2 mm), for useonce the head gasket face has beenmachined. If the cylinder h
41 Refit the timing belt to the camshaftsprocket. Ensure that the “front run” of thebelt is taut - ie, ensure that any slack is on thetensioner pulley
5 Examine the pump rotors and body forsigns of wear ridges and scoring. If worn, thecomplete pump assembly must be renewed.6 Examine the relief valve
RenewalRight-hand mounting5 Disconnect the battery negative lead.6 Place a jack beneath the engine, with ablock of wood on the jack head. Raise the ja
2DChapter 2 Part D:Engine removal and overhaul proceduresNote: At the time of writing, many specifications for certain engines were not available. Wh
Valve stem diameter (continued):Exhaust:XV, XW and XY series engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0 mmXU5J series engine
Big-end bearing journal diameter:XV, XW and XY series engines:Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Torque wrench settings (continued) Nm lbf ftMain bearing ladder casting - aluminium block engines (models with groovedNo 5 main bearing half-shell fit
3 Engine/manual transmission- removal, separation,reconnection and refitting4RemovalNote: The engine can be removed from the caronly as a complete uni
0•8 Roadside repairsWheel changingSome of the details shown here will varyaccording to model. For instance, the locationof the spare wheel and jack is
twisting them anti-clockwise and disconnectthe connectors. Also, where applicable, tracethe harness lead(s) back to the relay box,situated beside the
41 Fit the sump cover to the transmissionusing a new gasket. 42 Tighten the tighten the cover bolts anddrain plug to the specified torque.43 Fit the p
Reconnection11 Ensure that the bush fitted to the centre ofthe crankshaft is in good condition. Apply alittle Molykote G1 grease (available from yourP
7 It is essential that each valve is storedtogether with its collets, retainer, spring, andspring seat. The valves should also be kept intheir correct
lifting the valve occasionally to redistribute thegrinding compound. A light spring placedunder the valve head will greatly ease thisoperation.22 If c
10 Turn the crankshaft to bring pistons 1 and4 to BDC (bottom dead centre).11 Unscrew the nuts from No 1 piston big-end bearing cap. Take off the cap,
and then zero the gauge. Push the crankshaftfully the other way, and check the endfloat.The result can be compared with the specifiedamount, and will
27 Before removing the crankshaft it isadvisable to check the endfloat as describedin paragraphs 6 and 7.28 Unbolt and remove the crankshaft left-and
When all the liners are released, tip thecylinder block/crankcase on its side andremove each liner from the top of the block.As each liner is removed,
33 Prior to installing the liners, thoroughlyclean the liner mating surfaces in the cylinderblock, and use fine abrasive paper to polishaway any burrs
Roadside repairs 0•9When all else fails, you may find yourselfhaving to get a tow home – or of course youmay be helping somebody else. Long-distancer
leakage (from excessive bearing clearances,worn oil pump or high engine speeds) allcontribute to lubrication breakdown. Blocked oilpassages, which usu
XU series engines3 On some early engines, both the upper andlower bearing shells were of the samethickness.4 However, on later engines the main bearin
10 Repeat this procedure so that therequired bearing shell grade is obtained foreach of the five main bearing journals.11 Seek the advice of your Peug
17 Repeat this procedure so that therequired bearing shell grade is obtained foreach of the five main bearing journals.18 Seek the advice of your Peug
be fitted, obtain a set of new Black (Class B)upper bearing shells and new Blue (Class A)lower bearing shells. On later (mid-1993 on)engines where the
53 Lower the crankshaft into position so thatNos 2 and 3 cylinder crankpins are at TDC;Nos 1 and 4 cylinder crankpins will be at BDC,ready for fitting
72 Refit the Woodruff key, then slide on theoil pump drive sprocket, and locate the drivechain on the sprocket (see illustration).Lower the crankshaft
87 Fit the main bearing caps to their correctlocations, ensuring that they are fitted thecorrect way round (the bearing shell lugrecesses in the block
crankpin and both bearing shells. Taking carenot to mark the cylinder/liner bores, pull thepiston/connecting rod assembly down thebore and onto the cr
3Chapter 3Cooling, heating and air conditioning systemsGeneralSystem type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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