Peugeot v-clic Manuale

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Sales divisionTechnical network leadershipWORKSHOP MANUAL

Pagina 2 - Technical network leadership

SPECIAL IMPORTANT POINTS8Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesSPECIAL IMPORTANT PO


TIGHTENING TORQUES9Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesTIGHTENING TORQUES Engine

Pagina 4

TIGHTENING TORQUES10Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Cycle part  Standard.

Pagina 5 - Capacities

INSTRUMENT PANEL11Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesINSTRUMENT PANEL Analog fu

Pagina 6 - Dimensions and weight

ELECTRICITY12Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesELECTRICITY Fuses and energy di

Pagina 7 -  Brakes

BODY PANELS13Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesBODY PANELS Location of body co

Pagina 8

BODY PANELS14Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Body component sequence of dis

Pagina 9

BODY PANELS15Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the storage compart

Pagina 10 - Oil and fuel

BODY PANELS16Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the lower side fair

Pagina 11 - Body panels

BODY PANELS17Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles- Disconnect the battery.Remove:

Pagina 12 - Standard

Workshop m anualTechnical network leadershipReproduc tion or translation, even partial, is fo rbidden without the w ritten consent of Peugeot Motocy


BODY PANELS18Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles- Remove the splash guard by rel

Pagina 14 - Location of components

BODY PANELS19Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the front mudguard.

Pagina 15 - Location of body components

BODY PANELS20Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles- Remove the 2 fixing bolts (1).

Pagina 16

BODY PANELS21Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of a headlight bulb. -

Pagina 17 - Removal of the grab handle

BODY PANELS22Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of a turnsignal light.

Pagina 18 - Removal of the footboard

WORKING ON THE ENGINE WITHOUT REMOVING THE ENGINE23Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Moto

Pagina 19 - Removal of the splash guard

24Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the pulsair filter. Removal o

Pagina 20

25Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Installing the valve clearance. - Removal

Pagina 21

26Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the cylinder head.  Removal o

Pagina 22

MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS27Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesMISCELLANEOUS OPERA

Pagina 23 - Removal of a taillight bulb

TABLE OF CONTENTS1Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesTABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF

Pagina 24

MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS28Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the re

Pagina 25 - Removal of the fuel filter

MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS29Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the fu

Pagina 26 - Removal of the carburettor

MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS30Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Removal of the re

Pagina 27

MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS31Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesReassembly:- Instal

Pagina 28

MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIONS32Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles- Using a drift, re

Pagina 32 - Removal of the brake pads

P/N 759522In our permanent concern to make improvements PEUGEOT MOTOCYCLES reserves the right to suppress, modify, or add any reference mentionedDC/PS

Pagina 33 - Removal of the fork

TABLE OF CONTENTS2Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesRemoval of the splash guard


CHARACTERISTICS3Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesCHARACTERISTICS Engine.  Ca

Pagina 35

CHARACTERISTICS4Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles Chassis.  Dimensions and w

Pagina 36

CHARACTERISTICS5Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot Motocycles BrakesFront disc diameter a

Pagina 37

SERVICE SCHEDULE AND COMMISSIONING6Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesSERVICE SC

Pagina 38 - P/N 759522

SERVICE SCHEDULE AND COMMISSIONING7Reproduction or translation, even partial, is forbidden without the written consent of Peugeot MotocyclesRemove the

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